Following is a brief message I channeled today from the Galactic Frequency Council. Enjoy!
Stasis - what exactly is that? Do people get stuck in their lives, unable to move forward? Does energy get stuck, causing blockages and other problems? Well, not exactly. Energy is always moving. People are always moving, although they may not feel that they are moving in the direction they would like. Energy never becomes completely "blocked". It can always penetrate other fields of energy to greater or lesser extents. Energy is always flowing, but at differing speeds and vibrations, and in ways that you have not yet grasped on a scientific level.
Let us give you an example. Think of something soft and malleable, like water, and then look at its effects on rocks and stones in riverbeds. Years of pressure can wear the stone away, but something else is at work as well. Why do only certain parts of the stone get worn away? Why is it only smoothed by the water? Because there is an interaction between the energies that scientists do not understand. It is more than gravity and pressure and the polarity of energy fields. It is not exactly a "consciousness" at work, but a penetration of energy fields far beyond what we imagine. The water and stone become something "other". They are altered by this contact on quantum levels.
This is what is happening to everyone at all times. We are all changing, moving, transforming. The more you become conscious of this, the more you can work with these dynamics to shift your energy in ways you choose. The more you can do what you call "moving forward with your lives".
Here is a tip for putting this into practice. Focus on something small - maybe a bottle of water. Practice infusing the water with the vibration of something you love, something that makes you feel expansive and happy. Then put the bottle aside. Come back later and take a few sips. You may find yourself feeling expansive and happy.
The water is never just water, just as you are never just a collection of biological matter. The water has a vibration, and can therefore hold emotions and even thoughts - your thoughts, other people's thoughts, and even thoughts from across the universe!
If you want to feel like you're moving forward, we suggest that you infuse your personal space with high vibrating energy - energy associated with emotions such as love, joy and happiness. Energy that vibrates higher moves faster, and more easily responds to intention. Don't just embody this energy; "enchant" your world with it. Send it out as far as you want. You'll get back whatever you put out there. That's how it works!
You may be wondering how to stay in this space of positive emotions. That's a topic for another day; but it is helpful to maintain your space by actively emanating these energies. Your space will in turn be more supportive to you in embodying positive feelings and emotions, and in transforming energy through intention.
We hope this information is helpful to you. We are the Galactic Frequency Council. Namaste.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Creative Transformations January Newsletter
This is the latest newsletter from Karen Mehringer, a psychotherapist, speaker and author of Sail into your Dreams: 8 Steps to Living a More Purposeful Life
- one of my favorite books. To find out more about Karen, please visit I'll be listening to her radio interview tomorrow, January 22, at 5:00 P.M. PST/6:00 P.M. MTN. See below for details and link.
Karen is an author, inspirational speaker, life transformation coach and the founder of Creative Transformations. Her primary work is to empower people to take risks to follow their dreams and live life to the fullest.
Personal Empowerment:
A Path to Joyful Creation
By Karen Mehringer
Recently, I joined a group of women to journal, meditate and share about our intentions for the New Year. It was suggested that we come up with one or two words to describe our deepest intention underlying all of our desired outcomes. The words that I chose were…“Joyful Creation.” More than anything, I desire to create from a deep place of joy. Inevitably areas of my life where I have not been creating from joy have quickly been revealed to me.
One such area is in my personal relationships when I put others needs before my own, or when I go along with what they want/need and don’t stand up for myself because I fear hurting or disappointing them. As a result, I give my personal power away. My vital life force energy becomes drained, like a battery slowly dying and I am left feeling angry and resentful. This way of relating is based on fear - fear of not being approved of, of not being loved, of being rejected or criticized. Sometimes, it feels easier to not stand up for myself and thus not rock the boat. Many of us were taught to avoid conflict at all costs. But, when we relate in this way, a part of us dies inside. Our energy to create joyfully is drained.
According to studies, about 85% of our life satisfaction comes from our relationships and only 15% from our accomplishments. So, our relationships are potentially our greatest gift and source of joy if we can remain true to ourselves in them. Setting strong boundaries to protect our time, energy and personal power is one way we can remain true to ourselves. Another is by surrounding ourselves with positive, supportive people who believe in us. Relating from a place of personal empowerment instead of fear, our vital life force energy is strengthened and fortified and we are able to experience a deeper sense of satisfaction in all of our relationships.
As you start the New Year off, I invite you to take an inventory of your relationships. Which ones support you being who you are and living up to your fullest potential? Which ones drain your energy? If you feel drained in any of your relationships, maybe you need to stand up for your self and set stronger boundaries with that person. Or, maybe you need to disengage from the relationship. If you are unsure what you need, take time to go within for clarity and trust your inner guidance.
Only in loving, honoring, trusting and respecting ourselves can we truly create from a place of joy in our lives.
“That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong.” - William J. H. Boetcker
“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.” – Mitsugi Saotome
Upcoming Radio Interview
Tuesday, January 22nd 5pm PST/6pm MNT
"Walking with Spirit with Monique Chapman"
To listen, go to and click on the "Listen Here" button. Please feel free to call into the show with questions, comments or testimonials about my work at 1-888-235-7374. Thanks!
Sunday, February 10th at 9:30am
Sail Into Your Dreams Speaking Engagement
Mountain Light Unity Church in Evergreen, Colorado
Sunday, February 10th from 1-5pm
Sail Into Your Dreams Workshop in Evergreen, Colorado
Sunday, February 17th from 1-5pm
Sail Into Your Dreams Workshop in Denver, Colorado
Wednesday, February 27th 7:30pm
Sail Into Your Dreams Book Event
East West Bookstore in Mountain View, California
Please click here for more information on the above events & workshops:
Thank you for taking the time to read this E-Newsletter! I wish you many blessings of love, joy and abundance on your journey!
Creative Transformations
(303) 562-8517
Karen is an author, inspirational speaker, life transformation coach and the founder of Creative Transformations. Her primary work is to empower people to take risks to follow their dreams and live life to the fullest.
Personal Empowerment:
A Path to Joyful Creation
By Karen Mehringer
Recently, I joined a group of women to journal, meditate and share about our intentions for the New Year. It was suggested that we come up with one or two words to describe our deepest intention underlying all of our desired outcomes. The words that I chose were…“Joyful Creation.” More than anything, I desire to create from a deep place of joy. Inevitably areas of my life where I have not been creating from joy have quickly been revealed to me.
One such area is in my personal relationships when I put others needs before my own, or when I go along with what they want/need and don’t stand up for myself because I fear hurting or disappointing them. As a result, I give my personal power away. My vital life force energy becomes drained, like a battery slowly dying and I am left feeling angry and resentful. This way of relating is based on fear - fear of not being approved of, of not being loved, of being rejected or criticized. Sometimes, it feels easier to not stand up for myself and thus not rock the boat. Many of us were taught to avoid conflict at all costs. But, when we relate in this way, a part of us dies inside. Our energy to create joyfully is drained.
According to studies, about 85% of our life satisfaction comes from our relationships and only 15% from our accomplishments. So, our relationships are potentially our greatest gift and source of joy if we can remain true to ourselves in them. Setting strong boundaries to protect our time, energy and personal power is one way we can remain true to ourselves. Another is by surrounding ourselves with positive, supportive people who believe in us. Relating from a place of personal empowerment instead of fear, our vital life force energy is strengthened and fortified and we are able to experience a deeper sense of satisfaction in all of our relationships.
As you start the New Year off, I invite you to take an inventory of your relationships. Which ones support you being who you are and living up to your fullest potential? Which ones drain your energy? If you feel drained in any of your relationships, maybe you need to stand up for your self and set stronger boundaries with that person. Or, maybe you need to disengage from the relationship. If you are unsure what you need, take time to go within for clarity and trust your inner guidance.
Only in loving, honoring, trusting and respecting ourselves can we truly create from a place of joy in our lives.
“That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong.” - William J. H. Boetcker
“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.” – Mitsugi Saotome
Upcoming Radio Interview
Tuesday, January 22nd 5pm PST/6pm MNT
"Walking with Spirit with Monique Chapman"
To listen, go to and click on the "Listen Here" button. Please feel free to call into the show with questions, comments or testimonials about my work at 1-888-235-7374. Thanks!
Sunday, February 10th at 9:30am
Sail Into Your Dreams Speaking Engagement
Mountain Light Unity Church in Evergreen, Colorado
Sunday, February 10th from 1-5pm
Sail Into Your Dreams Workshop in Evergreen, Colorado
Sunday, February 17th from 1-5pm
Sail Into Your Dreams Workshop in Denver, Colorado
Wednesday, February 27th 7:30pm
Sail Into Your Dreams Book Event
East West Bookstore in Mountain View, California
Please click here for more information on the above events & workshops:
Thank you for taking the time to read this E-Newsletter! I wish you many blessings of love, joy and abundance on your journey!
Creative Transformations
(303) 562-8517
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Karen Bishop Energy Alert 1/15/08
Hello, everyone! I so resonated with Karen Bishop's latest energy alert that I had to post it here. I have really been feeling over the last several days as if I am "in the tunnel". After tuning in on the innervating and expansive energies of the New Year, I recently found myself feeling frustrated that my creations were not manifesting as quickly as I wanted. As many of you know from my post of December 29, 2007, serious plans I'd made to leave San Diego fell through in a painful and dramatic way at the end of last year. I had been planning for about a year to move to the Bay Area with four other people. In my heart, this move had felt very right. When this plan disintegrated, I could not help thinking that I had wasted an entire year...I had difficulty holding the space of knowing that everything unfolds on its own divine schedule.
My strong intuition and spiritual guidance is still to leave San Diego. While it is a wonderful city with much to offer, and I have met many special people here, it has never felt like home to me. I came here for treatment of a medical issue, and just sort of stayed. After twelve years, I feel ready to move on, and to begin establishing myself as a life coach and spiritual counselor elsewhere. I still feel drawn to the Bay Area, but am also feeling increasingly drawn to Denver, Colorado; however, I am finding that exploring these options is taking much longer than I had anticipated. It looks as if I may not even be able to visit Colorado for a "reconnaissance mission" until May. I feel eager to move forward, and frustrated at times when these things don't happen on my timetable.
It seems that several of my friends and colleagues are experiencing a similar dynamic. So when I received KB's alert via email today, it truly felt like it was sent straight from spirit. On so may occasions, Karen gets it right on the nose. I hope it is helpful to you as well. My desire is that we may all experience "a deep trust that we are being guided to the perfect place and the perfect circumstances for our next level of existence, even though we may not consciously know what that is. "
January 15 , 2008
The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge. Please make a donation.
We are currently in the process of “going through the tunnel” to the “other side,” in the midst of the birth canal, or in a massive transition, whichever definition you choose.
This phase of the process is vitally necessary, but is also an important validation as well that we are indeed poised to enter a very new world and reality very soon.
Just like babies entering the birth canal, or individuals experiencing the “tunnel” of a near death experience, we are most assuredly going through the same.
We are leaving one reality, after our roles of transmuting the denser energies have now been completed for this latest round (and a long round it was!), and may now find ourselves “in between.” No longer living in the old world reality, with a complete and total severance, it can, at times, feel like we are not here nor there. But even though, we may have a sense that a very new beginning, with an excitement in the air, is on the very near horizon.
Many of us are at different points of this tunnel or transition. Some have already landed completely and are finished with the transition and out of the tunnel, and others are in the midst of the transition, still seeking clarity and a sense of place.
Symptoms of tunnel travel? Intense muscle aches, sinus pressure and headaches, deep body pain, ringing in the ears, nausea, intestinal distress, coughing and chest congestion, feelings of pressure or toxicity in the body, insomnia, a feeling that absolutely nowhere feels right or comfortable, and a wondering where oh where home might now be, with seemingly nowhere else left to go, or nowhere left that seems to “fit.”
We are indeed letting go and releasing the intensely challenging experience of purging and transmuting so may of the denser energies that seemed to embody nearly all of 2007, and it can take awhile to complete this process. But before we enter yet another higher realm or reality, we must be indeed free and clear of any baggage or leftover energies from the long process that 2007 brought to us.
Having successfully transmuted so many denser energies of the past, much was accomplished. Many, many more of the lower vibrating energies were captured during 2007. Thus, much more of the planet was affected and carried forward. It was a truly awesome and monumental experience.
And now, we are this close to setting foot on new land. The month of January is a good time for tying up loose ends, for taking care of old business that we had not had time to attend to, and for finalizing all those last details that are necessary in order for us to move forward into a new reality. And with a Mercury retrograde due to arrive on January 28th, this process will be supported even further into February, even though we will still have the opportunity to begin very new lives during this time as well.
If you are one who is experiencing muscle pain, shoulder and neck tightness and pain, headaches, and most any of the symptoms mentioned earlier in this energy alert, know that when you get through this transition tunnel, these symptoms simply vanish and you will feel better than you have felt in a very long time. A lightness will engulf you, and you will feel as if you have let go of all the burdens you have ever carried, as if you had dis-connected from an old reality of struggle and pain, and suddenly burst into a reality of light, joy, pleasure, a deep contentedness, and a knowing that all your needs will always be met with no effort required.
The discomfort is part of the final release process. Just as an individual releases all of the remnants of his/her human experience in one fell swoop when they go through the dying process in the old 3D reality, we are now experiencing a great release before we enter a higher dimension. Only with the ascension process, we are dying while we are alive, so this process occurs in smaller segments. None-the-less, the current leap we are now experiencing is a substantial one indeed.
There are many dimensional portals in the area where I currently live in New Mexico. And access to them is set up in a very interesting way. The most evident access to the most substantial portal attracts all kinds of energies, as many different forms are attracted to this opening and seem to want entry. There is also much darkness there, and all these energies seem to bottleneck at the most evident entry point, wanting to get in and bumping into each other. In addition, much of anything is turned away, as the ugliness and darkness serves to discourage and re-route all those who feel inclined to enter.
Our temporary rental house is near the entrance to this portal. It is common to see cars drive up our street and then turn around, so the energies are creating this scenario at all levels. Each time I venture to take a walk into this area, I am severely warned to leave and turn back, as the area is so condensed with dark energies which are stuck there, seeking entry.
But this is a grand plan that is all so very intentional. These entry areas to higher dimensions are deliberately set up to appear as ugly and dark, so that most will be repulsed, fooled, and turn back. And if one tries to access a higher dimension through this portal by sheer will, intention, or force, they will most assuredly have a very unpleasant experience.
But once on the other side, it is a completely different story and it can be difficult to ever leave once one arrives. It is a reality and energy so removed from the old world and mainstream creations, that one would think they have truly arrived in heaven on earth. I tell you this because it is all so similar to what most of us have recently experienced. We must go through the darkness to arrive in heaven, but we go through it in a way that is not forced, intentional, or which comes from an ego’s desire.
We arrive by allowing, transmuting, letting go of our arrogance, and having this experience seemingly not even be our own idea. It comes though a gentle acceptance, a willingness to let go of all we are being encouraged to let go of, and a deep trust that we are being guided to the perfect place and the perfect circumstances for our next level of existence, even though we may not consciously know what that is.
I am reminded of one of my favorite Carrie Underwood songs, All-American Girl:
Since the day he got married,
He’d been praying for a little baby boy
Someone he could take fishin’ throw the football,
And be his pride and joy
He could already see him,
Holding that trophy taking his team to state
But when the nurse came in with a little pink blanket,
All those big dreams changed and…
Now he’s wrapped around her finger,
She’s the center of his whole world,
And his heart belongs to that sweet little
Beautiful, wonderful, perfect All-American girl.
When Oprah Winfrey was approached with an offer for a television talk show, she was not really interested. It was not in her plan. She resisted. But after she eventually took the plunge and did it, she said doing it felt “just like breathing.”
At times, Source, or our souls seem to know more than we consciously do in regard to what is best for us. And when we arrive at this new place, we may indeed seem uncomfortable at first, as it is so very new. This is because we have let go of so much of the old, and a very new fit has now arrived for us. But if we can know and accept that this very new home is as perfect as it can be, and the best fit for our new selves and our new reality, and if we can trust that it will in time indeed be right for us, we can then experience more joy, love, ecstasy, and contentment than we have ever known.
The familiar is gone. We have evolved beyond it. Our old comfort zones can no longer be. Being willing to let go of our old groves and securities can only serve to allow us through the gates of this very new reality.
There are those who have been preparing for their strongest desires for a long time. They have been waiting for the right time, even though they may not have been consciously aware of this. They may have experienced false starts, sputtering and seemingly getting nowhere for quite awhile, as their desires had run so deep, were so innate, for such a very long time, that they could not understand why they were not manifesting. “After all, wasn’t it my life purpose here?”
There are those whose wildest dreams would not seem to manifest, but after much release of mis-perceptions and ego desires through the process of the past few years, these desires may have changed or become clarified.
But we are now ready to manifest our deepest desires. Finally, oh finally. The time has come. It is time for all we have ever wanted to arrive for us. It is time for our dreams to come true. We no longer need to embody that sense that we are trying to get somewhere, arrive at a destination, get everyone on board through healing and teaching, and the like. Those days are over (although these methods will still be utilized by some to assist those still in transition and who are at varying levels).
We are now indeed at a very new plateau and in a very new reality on planet Earth. We have entered a new playground of experience. We get to create, play with energy, and manifest whatever we want with no interference.
Some may be so accustomed to being dictated to, that this new freedom may not be comfortable. Like a dog who has been on a chain its entire life, and now set free to explore all he desires, this new change may be too much of a shock. For these individuals, it may be a matter of reclaiming one’s true power. But for those who have already come to a point of knowing their true power, this time will be an awesome one indeed.
Many new babies are being born right now. They are coming to experience the new planet Earth. They know that the coast is now clear. They are arriving in masses. They come with great strength, giggles, and awesome dreams for creating and sustaining a new reality. They will serve to sustain the shift and to embody these higher energies. They are a part of the new. They are a very new breed than ever before. We are now over a great hurdle of evolution, and these new little ones will make sure this new plateau remains intact and stabilized. They are very aware and know exactly what they are doing.
They will insist on a new reality, and accept nothing less. They are very firm indeed. They will serve as the founders for a phase that is yet to arrive. They represent a very new wave. And it is a big one. They are choosing to be born at the time of new beginnings, as this time carries a very new energy that they resonate with, and it is this ray or level of vibration that they can access easily.
While these new little ones and our other children are creating the new, many of us baby boomers will get to finally retire, and simply enjoy the pleasures of a new playground of creation. We can rest, be taken care of, create lives of our dreams, and reap the rewards of a great plan accomplished.
What is your deepest desire, you fondest dream, your heaven on Earth? What joy will you choose to experience? What responsibilities will you finally be ready to let go of? What kind of peace will you know? What does it look like? Will you be ready and willing to experience a great change?
Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...
Until next time,
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Upside of Bush Adminstration Policies? by Catherine Richardson
The enormous changes taking place on our planet today are the result of eons of evolutionary choices. Just as we chose to experience duality and the separation of ourselves from God, many of us are now choosing unity - unity with our divinity, and unity with one another. Many people in the United States are fed up with the current Administration and its policies. It is important to understand, however, that this Administration is serving a purpose that is divine. The war, the environment, healthcare...there are so many issues that are troubling people today; but these issues are also serving to unite people in seeking change.
The current situation is highlighting for us - in no uncertain terms - what dualistic choices bring us. This is inspiring more and more people to embrace higher visions for their future. It is also encouraging people to trust their own inner wisdom, rather than that of any particular politician. To look to their own intuition for their true answers.
While it may be difficult to feel gratitude about global warming and the war in Iraq, please remember that these frightening events are serving a higher purpose. Please do not be afraid or discouraged. Stay in the space of deep connection to all. Change your heart, and watch the world change with it.
© 2008 Catherine Richardson
The current situation is highlighting for us - in no uncertain terms - what dualistic choices bring us. This is inspiring more and more people to embrace higher visions for their future. It is also encouraging people to trust their own inner wisdom, rather than that of any particular politician. To look to their own intuition for their true answers.
While it may be difficult to feel gratitude about global warming and the war in Iraq, please remember that these frightening events are serving a higher purpose. Please do not be afraid or discouraged. Stay in the space of deep connection to all. Change your heart, and watch the world change with it.
© 2008 Catherine Richardson
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Frequencies of January by Catherine Richardson
Following is a brief message I channeled from a group of beings who call themselves "the Galactic Frequency Council." They are the group from whom I channeled my upcoming book, The Starfleet Messages: A Galactic Guide to Spiritual Expansion. I hope this message is beneficial to you.
The frequencies of January are those of expansion and creation. The way to access these frequencies is through visualization, affirmation and quiet contemplation. Expand yourself outward to meet your desires. Enhance your vibration by practicing gratitude, meditating, going outside into nature, and honoring your body. By honoring your body, we mean rest when you feel tired, be mindful of your diet, and avoid carcinogens and other toxins. But, most of all, have some fun! Laugh. Celebrate. Enjoy.
"What is expansion?" you may ask. It involves expanding the frequencies of your soul, so that the soul actually becomes larger and vibrates at higher frequencies. It is at these higher frequencies that conscious creation manifests. It is at these higher frequencies that we create our lives from a space of awareness. It is at these higher frequencies that we understand that there is perfection all around us. It is from this space that we transform and transverse the dimensions of time and space, and experience infinity.
The energies of your planet now support energetic expansion on higher levels than ever before. Many humans on Earth have been setting the groundwork for centuries, and it is now coming to fruition. Step into your power. Step into your divinity. Learn to create like the god that you are!
We are the Galactic Frequency Council. Namaste, brothers and sisters.
© 2008 Catherine Richardson
The frequencies of January are those of expansion and creation. The way to access these frequencies is through visualization, affirmation and quiet contemplation. Expand yourself outward to meet your desires. Enhance your vibration by practicing gratitude, meditating, going outside into nature, and honoring your body. By honoring your body, we mean rest when you feel tired, be mindful of your diet, and avoid carcinogens and other toxins. But, most of all, have some fun! Laugh. Celebrate. Enjoy.
"What is expansion?" you may ask. It involves expanding the frequencies of your soul, so that the soul actually becomes larger and vibrates at higher frequencies. It is at these higher frequencies that conscious creation manifests. It is at these higher frequencies that we create our lives from a space of awareness. It is at these higher frequencies that we understand that there is perfection all around us. It is from this space that we transform and transverse the dimensions of time and space, and experience infinity.
The energies of your planet now support energetic expansion on higher levels than ever before. Many humans on Earth have been setting the groundwork for centuries, and it is now coming to fruition. Step into your power. Step into your divinity. Learn to create like the god that you are!
We are the Galactic Frequency Council. Namaste, brothers and sisters.
© 2008 Catherine Richardson
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
A Little Levity
I just couldn't resist posting this! It makes me laugh every time I watch it. Laughing is such a spiritually expansive experience...and I aspire to dance as well as this bird!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
How Does One Channel? by Catherine Richardson
“How do you channel? I've tried it but I just see it and I can't hear anything, I can just feel and see ghost, or whatever they are..." – SkullyHollow, comment posted 12/29/07
Well, SkullyHollow, I don’t know how to explain how to channel, because I think that the process is a little different for everyone. I believe people receive spiritual guidance in an infinite number of ways, and if you’re able to feel and see some sort of beings around you, you are already highly attuned to spiritual communication. I know there are books and classes that purport to teach channeling, but I have never had any personal experience with them. I understand that these books and classes do work for some people.
What I can share with you is how I began to channel, in hopes that it might be helpful to you. My awakening to my spiritual abilities began when I had a “near death” experience. My heart apparently had to be “jump-started” in a hospital ER. I cannot say precisely how this altered me or my perceptions; perhaps it activated a previously dormant part of my brain. What I can say for certain is that my spiritual abilities began to manifest shortly thereafter. I do not mean to imply that one needs to undergo some sort of near death experience in order to be able to channel. Most people do not. But I do believe that it was instrumental for me.
My exposure to channeling occurred soon after when I witnessed a spiritual counselor of mine engaging in it. She would actually speak in different voices, and with different accents (!). Because I knew this woman very well, I knew that what she was doing was authentic – that she wasn’t putting me on. (Had I witnessed a stranger doing this, I might have burst out laughing.) Around the same time, I started asking a simple question prior to meditating each day. During the meditations, I began hearing one or two word answers to these questions in my "mind’s ear"…like a voice whispering to me. I began to trust these as messages from spirit. They grew into clearer, more lengthy communications.
In the meantime, I was in the fortunate position of being able to spend almost every waking moment (no pun intended) working solely on my spiritual development. I was addressing many of my core issues from a spiritual perspective – which was very new for me - and working to raise my vibration.
It also helped me to read a lot of channeled information. A book that was pivotal for me in developing my abilities was We the Arcturians
, channeled by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich. The book is not specifically about how to channel; but reading it somehow opened up my frequencies in ways that I cannot explain. Also, for me, witnessing other people channeling, or even watching it on the internet, would often cause me to start channeling as well. For example, just watching the VirtualLight broadcast at sometimes has that effect on me.
Another choice I made which greatly enhanced my channeling abilities was the decision to become a vegetarian. Once I stopped eating meat, it felt as if I were a hot air balloon, and someone had just dumped a dozen sandbags of my ballast overboard. It was one of the most dramatic upshifts in vibration I have ever experienced.
Other things I did to help create a space for channeling included quieting my mind, lighting a candle, burning incense, or playing some gentle, spiritual music. Going to the beach or out into nature are other ways I encouraged this type of communication. Basically, anything that helped raise my vibration served to increase my ability to connect with spiritual guidance.
At this point in my life, however, I find that setting up this space is no longer always necessary. When light beings want to communicate with me, they sort of "tap me on the shoulder" wherever I am - whatever I'm doing. Fortunately, this usually happens at convenient times.
I hope this information is helpful to you in some way.
© 2007 Catherine Richardson
Well, SkullyHollow, I don’t know how to explain how to channel, because I think that the process is a little different for everyone. I believe people receive spiritual guidance in an infinite number of ways, and if you’re able to feel and see some sort of beings around you, you are already highly attuned to spiritual communication. I know there are books and classes that purport to teach channeling, but I have never had any personal experience with them. I understand that these books and classes do work for some people.
What I can share with you is how I began to channel, in hopes that it might be helpful to you. My awakening to my spiritual abilities began when I had a “near death” experience. My heart apparently had to be “jump-started” in a hospital ER. I cannot say precisely how this altered me or my perceptions; perhaps it activated a previously dormant part of my brain. What I can say for certain is that my spiritual abilities began to manifest shortly thereafter. I do not mean to imply that one needs to undergo some sort of near death experience in order to be able to channel. Most people do not. But I do believe that it was instrumental for me.
My exposure to channeling occurred soon after when I witnessed a spiritual counselor of mine engaging in it. She would actually speak in different voices, and with different accents (!). Because I knew this woman very well, I knew that what she was doing was authentic – that she wasn’t putting me on. (Had I witnessed a stranger doing this, I might have burst out laughing.) Around the same time, I started asking a simple question prior to meditating each day. During the meditations, I began hearing one or two word answers to these questions in my "mind’s ear"…like a voice whispering to me. I began to trust these as messages from spirit. They grew into clearer, more lengthy communications.
In the meantime, I was in the fortunate position of being able to spend almost every waking moment (no pun intended) working solely on my spiritual development. I was addressing many of my core issues from a spiritual perspective – which was very new for me - and working to raise my vibration.
It also helped me to read a lot of channeled information. A book that was pivotal for me in developing my abilities was We the Arcturians
Another choice I made which greatly enhanced my channeling abilities was the decision to become a vegetarian. Once I stopped eating meat, it felt as if I were a hot air balloon, and someone had just dumped a dozen sandbags of my ballast overboard. It was one of the most dramatic upshifts in vibration I have ever experienced.
Other things I did to help create a space for channeling included quieting my mind, lighting a candle, burning incense, or playing some gentle, spiritual music. Going to the beach or out into nature are other ways I encouraged this type of communication. Basically, anything that helped raise my vibration served to increase my ability to connect with spiritual guidance.
At this point in my life, however, I find that setting up this space is no longer always necessary. When light beings want to communicate with me, they sort of "tap me on the shoulder" wherever I am - whatever I'm doing. Fortunately, this usually happens at convenient times.
I hope this information is helpful to you in some way.
© 2007 Catherine Richardson